CJRB Prado Green

Lengde: 0,0 cm

Bladlengde:0,0 cm

SKU: J1936AG
kr 995,00


Foldekniv med akselås.
Grepsplater av aquagrønn G10
Clip point blad av rustfritt AR-RPM9 stål.
Tommelhull for åpning av blad.
Herdet til 59-61 HRC.
Leveres med 2-sidig belteclip, 'deep-carry', og sort nylonmappe.
Keramisk kulelager.
Bladlengde 9,5 cm, åpen lengde 21,6 cm.
Lukket lengde 12 cm.
Vekt 97 gram.
Produsert i China


Introducing the new CJRB Prado model designed by Ray Laconico. Bringing together Ray's signature clean style with a super lightweight frame and a sturdy, durable crossbar lock the Prado brings a lot of features to the table. A 3.76" clip point blade provides huge cutting power and with an overall weight of just under 3.5oz, the Prado is incredibly easy to carry, even in dress pants. And for those looking to class-up their carry we are offering the Prado in two different wood options for something a little more traditional on this modern design!