Linerlock folder med flipper funksjon og IKBS kulelagersystem, noe som gjør den meget lett å åpne.
Grep av karbonfiber over G-10.
Blad i rustfritt 8Cr14MoV stål med utstikkende tange.
Leveres med reversibelt belteclip av bronse.
Designet av Eric Ochs, USA.
Lukket lengde 11 cm.
Vekt 153 gram.
Produsert i China.
Designed by Eric Ochs in Sherwood, OR
Easy to carry. Built for hard use. The experienced eye can take one look at a knife and instantly recognize the work of a master. The dead giveaway: simplicity. With its clean lines, subtle bronze details, and highly-ergonomic build, the Avant everyday carry folding knife asserts its position at the top of the pack.
Flipper or thumb disk opening combined with IKBS ball bearing pivot system deploys the blade smooth and fast
Satin finish blade and brass titanium-nitride accents create an appealing visual
Carbon Fiber handles in a black woven texture are stylish and lightweight