Helle Didi Galgalu, mod. 610

Lengde: 25,0 cm

Bladlengde:13,0 cm

SKU: 006010
Gamle pris: kr 1 649,00
kr 1 495,00


Fulltangkniv med skaft av afrikansk Kiaat tre (Pterocarpus angolensis).
Tresorten vokser i det sørlige Afrika, kalles også Wild Teak på engelsk.
Et lag av vulkanfiber ligger mellom stålet og treplatene.
Bladet er i rustfritt Sandvik 12C27 stål.
Vekt 190 gram
Leveres med brun lærslire med plastinnlegg.


Didi Galgalu
Designed in collaboration with the Voetspore team of South Africa. A knife designed to withstand the hardships of transcontinental journeys of Africa.
Named after the Didi Galgalu Desert in Northern Kenya, seen by many as the last frontier of Africa. The Didi Galgalu utilizes a full tang construction. Three rivets reinforce the African Kiaat wood handle. Blade thin enough to preform as a knife should when cutting or carving. The Scandinavian ground blade, genuine leather sheath, and Kiaat-wood handle assure Helle’s renowned rugged beauty.